Mostrando libros encontrados. (14 páginas).
DETAIL (2024)
pvp.81,00 €
Der Einsatz von natürlichen Rohstoffen ist heute in der Architektur bedeutender denn je. Während der konstruktive Holzbau bereits fest in der Architektur verankert ist, rücken immer mehr alternative Baustoffe wie Lehm, Stroh, Kork oder Bambus ...
NAG PRESS (2024)
pvp.41,00 €
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The use of flint is uniquely interlinked with the history of mankind. In the evolving relationship between humanity and the natural world, the provenance of flint as a resource is, arguably, unparalleled. Its continuing use ...
pvp.69,00 €
Glass is one of the most fascinating and versatile building materials in architectural history. The new insights into glass in architecture are the result of research at the intersection of glass production, construction technology and ...
PHAIDON (2023)
pvp.39,95 €
An inspiring collection of 50 spectacular houses built almost entirely from glass Glass Houses presents 50 stunning architect designed homes that utilize glass to maximum effect. The international selection includes early modernist houses from the ...
pvp.49,00 €
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Methods of construction are evolving rapidly, driven by sustainability demands, new technical possibilities, the optimization of materials, and more efficient processes. This precise and detailed analysis of 25 Swiss projects render visible the often-hidden innovation ...
pvp.61,00 €
Wood is the building material of the 21st century. Understanding this material and its potential requires us to recognize its ecological, technological and cultural-historical contexts. Touch Wood explores this potential, with inspiring examples?both practical and ...
pvp.104,00 €
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Materials and the myriad technologies that have been developed to manipulate them are of essential relevance to product designers, architects, artists and stylists, as they represent the starting point for every product and every architectural ...
pvp.55,00 €
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An ancient building method that has experienced a renaissance in recent years as people seek greener and more sustainable building materials and construction methods, rammed earth is a wall building technique that uses earth, chalk, ...
JOVIS VERLAG Gmbh (2022)
pvp.44,00 €
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Architectures of Weaving reimagines the art of weaving as the combined result of fiber techniques and cultural practice. Addressing today's urgent energetic and environmental challenges, the book explores new approaches for resilient and adaptable material ...
pvp.58,00 €
This book - lavishly illustrated with plans, sketches, and photographs - emerged from an international educational cooperation of the University of Liechtenstein in Vaduz, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU in Trondheim, and ...
DETAIL (2022)
pvp.79,00 €
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The material timber has become particularly important for architecture in the light of the climate crisis and the search for environmentally friendly resources. This book describes the potentials of the building material timber in terms ...
NAG PRESS (2022)
pvp.34,00 €
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Over the last three decades, timber architecture has seen a resurgence in popularity thanks to the level of innovation, experimentation and environmental responsiveness it engenders. Designing Timber Buildings offers a comprehensive overview of timber as ...
DAPP (2021)
pvp.105,00 €
La Instrucción de hormigón estructural (EHE-08), aprobada por Real Decreto 1247/2008, de 18 de julio, ha venido constituyendo, desde su entrada en vigor, el marco en el que se establecen los requisitos a tener en ...
pvp.47,00 €
Many buildings are made with standard or system products. However, a whole new world opens up when the architect, in line with his or her design, designs parts that specifically match the architectural expression of ...
DETAIL (2021)
pvp.69,00 €
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Reinforced concrete is the go-to powerhouse of modern construction: no other load-bearing building material is as malleable with similarly good noise and fire protection properties. The book illustrates this versatility with around 20 building examples ...
pvp.65,10 €
Concrete shell construction started to become popular in the mid-20th century. Technically advanced designs with conspicuous expressiveness began to appear all over the world. With three typical protagonists - Félix Candela (1910-1997), Heinz Isler (1926-2009), ...
BRAUN (2020)
pvp.43,00 €
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Buildings made of brick are found in very different epochs and cultures all over the world. Always astonishing, the qualities of brickwork continue to be explored by the world's best architects until today. A key ...
pvp.62,00 €
From hand-made brick to high-tech product: building with blocks of fired clay today draws from a heritage of nine millennia and remains innovative, sustainable, and highly appreciated for its manifold applications.
Since 2004, Wienerberger, the ...
pvp.30,00 €
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C'est en 1955 que le premier secrétaire du PCUS Nikita Khrouchtchev lance une campagne pour une production en masse d'habitations. À ce moment-là, la préfabrication des bâtiments en usine est censée résoudre à court terme ...
pvp.60,00 €
Presents the potential for composite materials in architecture Overview over the state of the art and the diversity of application possibilities With projects by Benthem Crouwel Architects, Foster + Partners, Snøhetta, Zaha Hadid and many ...