Mostrando libros encontrados. (6 páginas).
DETAIL (2024)
pvp.65,00 €
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Foster + Partners es una de las firmas de diseño más conocidas e influyentes del mundo. Fundada en Londres en 1967 por Norman Foster, la firma ha sido sinónimo de arquitectura de alta tecnología y ...
DETAIL (2024)
pvp.69,00 €
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La obra de OFIS arhitekti oscila entre la interacción de la identidad eslovena y europea, la construcción tradicional y el lenguaje de diseño moderno. Esta monografía refleja esta diversidad en 24 edificios seleccionados, que incluyen ...
DETAIL (2024)
pvp.36,00 €
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Architecture and construction are at a turning point. They account for more than 40% of global CO2 emissions. Rising temperatures can only be reduced if there is a radical change in the field of construction ...
DETAIL (2024)
pvp.81,00 €
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Der Einsatz von natürlichen Rohstoffen ist heute in der Architektur bedeutender denn je. Während der konstruktive Holzbau bereits fest in der Architektur verankert ist, rücken immer mehr alternative Baustoffe wie Lehm, Stroh, Kork oder Bambus ...
DETAIL (2024)
pvp.63,00 €
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Climate change, extreme weather conditions, the degradation of biodiversity, CO2 and fine-dust pollution in cities demand action. How can architecture make a contribution to achieving a paradigm shift? Can architecture not only be designed to ...
DETAIL (2023)
pvp.69,00 €
Ecológicos, duraderos y respetuosos con el clima: Los edificios de Hermann Kaufmann y HK Architekten establecen estándares en muchos aspectos. Esta monografía documenta diez edificios de madera innovadores de HK Architekten que muestran cómo la ...
DETAIL (2023)
pvp.69,00 €
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Barcelona is a vibrant hotbed of forward-looking architecture and urban planning. The Catalan metropolis is home to more bold concepts for climate adaptation and urban coexistence than almost anywhere else in Europe. The book highlights ...
DETAIL (2022)
pvp.79,00 €
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The material timber has become particularly important for architecture in the light of the climate crisis and the search for environmentally friendly resources. This book describes the potentials of the building material timber in terms ...
DETAIL (2022)
pvp.59,00 €
Hybrid construction of reinforced concrete and wood combine the advantages of solid construction with those of wood construction and thus represent an optimal construction option. Wood is eco-efficient and high degrees of prefabrication ensure an ...
DETAIL (2022)
pvp.61,00 €
BIG is an internationally operating creative group of architects, designers, urban and landscape planners, interior and product designers, researchers and inventors. The architecture of BIG is created on the basis of an observation of the ...
DETAIL (2022)
pvp.139,00 €
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Decisions regarding the supporting structure have an influence on the design of a building as well as an economic and ecological impact. The creation of great and innovative buildings requires close collaboration of architects, clients ...
DETAIL (2021)
pvp.69,00 €
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Many people dream of having their own house with a garden. Although land consumption and resource consumption have been criticized, having one's own home in the country is a promise of free space and a ...
DETAIL (2021)
pvp.52,90 €
The worldwide booming timber construction sector and its rapid development beyond the limits of high-rise buildings demands high-performance materials, which are made possible by hardwood. Innovative production methods and manufacturing processes create economically competitive products ...
DETAIL (2021)
pvp.52,90 €
The internationally renowned architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron has experienced an unprecedented rise since it was founded in 1978. How do these architects manage to repeatedly break new ground and use supposedly classic materials ...
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DETAIL (2021)
pvp.58,00 €
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This book reveals Copenhagen's quality of life using the example of built spaces. It leads its readers on a tour of exploration, visiting exciting architecture projects and surprising districts between Ørestadt and Nordhavn. A total ...
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DETAIL (2021)
pvp.46,00 €
The presented residential projects in Vienna originated from a desire to develop living concepts that strengthen the sense of community and contribute to a society based on solidarity - building groups and participative projects, neighbourhood ...
DETAIL (2021)
pvp.69,00 €
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Reinforced concrete is the go-to powerhouse of modern construction: no other load-bearing building material is as malleable with similarly good noise and fire protection properties. The book illustrates this versatility with around 20 building examples ...
DETAIL (2020)
pvp.66,00 €
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The school is developing into a full-time model in many countries, with homework help, a cafeteria and recreational activities. Pioneering pedagogical methods of instruction and learning are bringing with them changing planning requirements. Just as ...
DETAIL (2020)
pvp.119,90 €
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No other construction material can match steel's suitability for bridging long spans and realising unusual building geometries. slender. high. long - Steel Structures documents out-standing high-rise buildings and engineering structures in steel. This includes not ...
DETAIL (2020)
pvp.42,00 €
DesignBuild is a method of instruction that students use to design and build actual projects at several architecture schools around the world, often in developing countries, but sometimes on their own doorsteps. With DesignBuild, students ...