Mostrando libros encontrados. (36 páginas).
pvp.90,00 €
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Publicado hace 100 años, Hacia una arquitectura de Le Corbusier fue concebido como una forma de dar sentido arquitectónico a un momento de profundo cambio social y tecnológico. Hoy vivimos en otro momento crucial ...
DETAIL (2024)
pvp.36,00 €
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Architecture and construction are at a turning point. They account for more than 40% of global CO2 emissions. Rising temperatures can only be reduced if there is a radical change in the field of construction ...
pvp.38,00 €
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Gaëtan Le Penhuel Architectes & Associés, con sede en París, se ha destacado en el campo con diseños revolucionarios de edificios escolares durante casi 30 años. Basándose en esta amplia experiencia, Gaëtan Le Penhuel presenta ...
pvp.72,00 €
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Conceptual Design of Structures is working at the interface between structural engineering, architecture, and art. The book seeks to answer the complex question of what needs to be considered when conceiving a building structure. What ...
PHAIDON (2024)
pvp.59,95 €
Brutalist architecture inspires a passionate response, be it adulation or contempt. There is no disputing, however, that the style produces some of the world's most breathtaking buildings. This landmark volume documents the movement as never ...
pvp.108,00 €
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Volume 1 of this first comprehensive monograph on the firm's work brings together brief personal texts on the various types of rooms in a house or apartment as well as other aspects of living. Volume ...
pvp.48,00 €
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Ritorna in un'edizione nuova e ampiamente aggiornata, sia nel testo sia nell'apparato iconografico, il classico di Italo Insolera 'Roma moderna', uscito per la prima volta nel 1962. Non si tratta di un saggio puramente tecnico, ...
pvp.95,00 €
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Design for a Radically Changing World brings to light the impact of design on our everyday lives and offers innovative ways that design can help address some of the world's most pressing issues and urgent ...
pvp.45,00 €
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Durante siglos, la teoría arquitectónica, el discurso y la práctica se han basado en paradigmas diurnos y solares. Las referencias a la noche en De architectura de Vitruvio son escasas, y la misma ausencia es ...
pvp.72,00 €
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Comparing the work of Archigram and High-Tech architects thematically, this book explores the historical and cultural context of London to reveal their influences and interconnections and why two such radical groups emerged from a seemingly ...
pvp.29,90 €
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The Architecture Observer offers an overview of different forms of modern architecture in Central America since the outset of the 20th century. Although modern architectures constituted only a small percentage of the total building production ...
pvp.60,00 €
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In the search for the sweet spot where nature and modern-day living meet, The House of Green delivers solutions for a perfect blend of both worlds.
DETAIL (2024)
pvp.63,00 €
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Climate change, extreme weather conditions, the degradation of biodiversity, CO2 and fine-dust pollution in cities demand action. How can architecture make a contribution to achieving a paradigm shift? Can architecture not only be designed to ...
pvp.45,00 €
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After the Fall explora los numerosos rastros del fascismo que se pueden encontrar en la arquitectura y la forma urbana de Roma, desde sus edificios, monumentos y piazzas, hasta sus nombres de calles y grafitis. ...
ACTAR (2024)
pvp.54,00 €
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Laboratorio de Vivienda presenta los 32 proyectos seleccionados y construidos, incluyendo investigaciones, dibujos y descripciones de los arquitectos. Aborda el problema de la vivienda de bajos ingresos aportando la atención reflexiva y la experiencia de ...
pvp.62,00 €
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Based on the thesis that technology changes character over time, the series aims and scopes are to reflect that change by describing and analyzing the most recent explorations and innovations in technology, as well as ...
pvp.49,00 €
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This book offers a systematic account of the process of designing in architecture. Design thinking can be regarded as a fundamentally different way of knowing the world and a particular form of addressing creative problems. ...
pvp.69,00 €
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In the light of the current housing and environmental crisis and increasing social inequalities, there is a growing sense of urgency for architecture as a discipline to engage with the transformation in housing evident in ...
pvp.61,00 €
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Architect-designed single-family houses make up an important chapter in Danish architectural history. The 60 selected examples in this guidebook date from 1915- 2023 and have all previously featured in one of the two Danish architecture ...
pvp.52,00 €
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The State of Housing Design 2023 es el primer informe de una nueva serie que revisa las tendencias nacionales, ideas y cuestiones críticas relacionadas con el diseño residencial. Este volumen examina proyectos de vivienda recientemente ...