Mostrando libros encontrados. (3 páginas).
pvp.61,00 €
Wood is the building material of the 21st century. Understanding this material and its potential requires us to recognize its ecological, technological and cultural-historical contexts. Touch Wood explores this potential, with inspiring examples?both practical and ...
pvp.58,00 €
This book - lavishly illustrated with plans, sketches, and photographs - emerged from an international educational cooperation of the University of Liechtenstein in Vaduz, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU in Trondheim, and ...
DETAIL (2022)
pvp.79,00 €
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The material timber has become particularly important for architecture in the light of the climate crisis and the search for environmentally friendly resources. This book describes the potentials of the building material timber in terms ...
NAG PRESS (2022)
pvp.34,00 €
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Over the last three decades, timber architecture has seen a resurgence in popularity thanks to the level of innovation, experimentation and environmental responsiveness it engenders. Designing Timber Buildings offers a comprehensive overview of timber as ...
BRAUN (2019)
pvp.43,00 €
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Wood is nature's greatest resource, embedded in the history, culture and life of humans worldwide. And it is ingenious as building material: remarkably malleable and at the same time resilient, recyclable in many ways and ...
pvp.39,95 €
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Wood is a fresh, insightful and surprising look at the world's best timber architecture. With 170 structures from the last 1,000 years, Wood features projects from some of the world's most celebrated architects. Renzo Piano's ...
pvp.29,90 €
Una obra que reúne muestras procedentes desde el Lejano Oriente hasta Europa occidental, incluyendo Estados Unidos. Se dedica una extensa investigación a la explicación de los aspectos técnicos y al trasfondo cultural de los edificios ...
DESIGN MEDIA Publishing (UK) Ltd (2016)
pvp.54,00 €
As a typical element of traditional Chinese architecture, wood was extensively used in urban design, building groups and single buildings in the past. Nowadays, modern timber architecture is emerging all over the world. As an ...
autor no determinado
pvp.29,95 €
Recopilación de los mejores ejemplos con diferentes tipologías constructivas en segundas residencias, casas prefabricadas, cabañas, refugios, guarderías, cafés, etc. aunando diseño tradicional con modernas y vanguardistas soluciones. Armonía entre lo tradicional y lo moderno. Imágenes ...
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pvp.55,00 €
This volume uncovers contemporary architecture and design s resurgent love affair with bamboo. Light, stiff, strong and incredibly fast growing, bamboo is a true super-plant, and in construction it is becoming a super-material. Used in ...
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pvp.19,95 €
Se le conoce como el acero vegetal. 50 proyectos que nos permitirán admirar su uso entre la estética tradicional y las vanguardias más contemporáneas. Planos, detalles constructivos, fotos generales y de detalles, desde el aeropuerto ...
pvp.60,64 €
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This new professional resource covers the design and engineering relevance of timber grade, form and detail through:
historical reference to forestry and building craftsmanship - the nature of wood and the heritage of timber construction
BRAUN (2014)
pvp.52,74 €
Bamboo, one of the fastest-growing plants on earth, is best known to many people as the food of giant pandas - more significant, however, is its long tradition as a construction material, especially in Asia ...
pvp.59,95 €
The 'old' material of wood has been used to construct dwellings of different types since the dawn of mankind. And not without reason. Its low density combined with high rigidity, good processability, and its resistance ...
autor no determinado
pvp.14,95 €
El uso universal de la madera, historicamente y hasta nuestros dias, nos recuerda su excepcional contribucion a nuest4ras culturas y bienestar. Las extraordinarias propiedades fisicas de la madera se prestan a un amplio ababico de ...
autor no determinado
pvp.14,96 €
Los arquitectos y diseñadores utilizan la madera en construcción porque proporciona unas posibilidades de diseño exterior y decoración infinitas. En la actualidad, la gran variedad de maderas y el reciclaje de las mismas permiten la ...
autor no determinado
pvp.34,95 €
Este volumen recoge descripciones en seis idiomas de más de cien especies de árboles y arbustos de todas partes del mundo. Al mismo tiempo explora su utilidad como recurso renovable, apreciado por la facilidad con ...
DETAIL (2014)
pvp.54,29 €
With its positive qualities and wide range of applications, wood excels in several areas: It meets the holistic evaluation criteria of sustainable construction and is perfect for outdoor use in sophisticated designs and facades, as ...
autor no determinado
MAIREA (2014)
pvp.15,00 €
El arquitecto Javier Aguilera Rojas ha sido durante muchos años protagonista asiduo de la singular playa onubense de Punta Umbría. A partir de la insólita crónica gráfica que constituye la colección de cien dibujos a ...
autor no determinado
pvp.39,00 €
Con 1450 dibujos y 1060 fotografías es posiblemente uno de los mejores libros sobre el tema editados en España, especialmente por el número de productos incluidos.
Los autores son un equipo interdisciplinar formado por ...