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pvp.41,00 €
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This unique guide shows some of the architectural threads that have contributed to make Mumbai the cosmopolitan metropolis that it is today, including rock-cut caves (important UNESCO World Heritage sites which are considered one of ...
pvp.45,00 €
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Esta guía explora la historia arquitectónica a través de casi 120 edificios descritos en detalle: desde el neoclasicismo y el art déco de la ocupación estadounidense hasta el brutalismo de concreto bajo los auspicios del ...
pvp.83,00 €
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Planning competitions are used in public and private projects as an instrument for optimising the design and selecting planning partners. For both small and large projects, the organised, fair, transparent and specialist process helps to ...
pvp.45,00 €
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This year´s edition of the annual presents the shortlist of 24 buildings selected by the jury for the 2023 DAM Preis for Architecture in Germany. The building reviews, written by architectural critics, along with large-format ...
pvp.94,00 €
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3D printing is said to -revolutionize archi-tecture: Thanks to new technologies, plastic, concrete, or metal can be extruded in a liquid state and then hardened into its final form. With this- -Construction and Design Manual, ...
pvp.51,00 €
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From the Arab conquest to the Arab Spring: in its capacity for architectural and social transformation and in its tension between religious tradition and modern glitter, Cairo is like no other city in the Islamic ...
pvp.51,00 €
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Graz is widely deemed Austria's capital of architecture. The Alpine country's second largest city boasts both an Old Town that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the experimental Graz School buildings of the late ...
pvp.40,00 €
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Discover the architectural gems of Dhaka, the bustling capital of Bangladesh, in the first-ever architectural guide to Dhaka. More than 150 buildings and projects have been handpicked by architect and author Sayed Ahmed to illustrate ...
pvp.40,00 €
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Discover the architectural wonders of Sarajevo, a city that bears the vivid scars of its complex history. From hosting the 1984 Winter Olympics to enduring a brutal civil war in the 1990s, the capital of ...
pvp.41,00 €
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Lima tiene muchos mas dias de sol de lo que sus habitants cuentan. El trazado urbano de su centro histórico es el más cartesiano de Sudamérica, pero las migraciones han generado una periferia informal, heterodoxa ...
pvp.30,00 €
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Anyone concerned with the history, tradition, and culture of our built environment will sooner or later come across the term 'Public Humanities'. At the interface between an academic discipline and the media-oriented culture industry, Public ...
pvp.32,00 €
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El término "utopía" está vinculado espacialmente a su raíz en el antiguo griego: en el siglo XX, diversos regímenes autoritarios intentaron hacer realidad este "no lugar" o supuesto "lugar ideal". Para poder reorganizar completamente la ...
pvp.51,00 €
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For generations, the trilogy of the Kremlin, Red Square, and the GUM department store marked the undisputed centre of Moscow. The last decades brought sweeping changes to the Russian capital. Today the biggest city in ...
pvp.40,00 €
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Esta guía ofrece una reseña urbana acerca de tres importantes ciudades ecuatorianas 'Quito, Guayaquil y Cuenca' así como una descripción detallada de su arquitectura más representativa. A traves de una muestra de 120 edificios, desde ...
pvp.40,00 €
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Montréal, Canada's second largest city and the centre of the francophone province of Québec, is a sprawling and green metropolis where French, British, and American architectural traditions meet. Many buildings and streets bear witness to ...
pvp.41,00 €
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Since the Euromaidan, Kyiv has been the place where Europe's future is decided between East and West. Meanwhile, the hybrid war in eastern Ukraine and on the Crimean peninsula has escalated into an open Russian ...
pvp.44,00 €
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The German Architectural Annual, edited by the German Architecture Museum (DAM), has been documenting contemporary architectural projects in Germany for the past 40 years. This year´s edition of the annual presents the shortlist of 26 ...
pvp.50,00 €
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Dense, organic cities with interconnected building structures and easily accessed common urban spaces. Cities that offer variety, vibrancy and architectural qualities that tempt people to go exploring on foot or by bike. Cities that have ...
pvp.130,00 €
The task of designing a large aquarium presents architects with a multiplicity of challenges: the fundamental elements of interior design - light, colour, and surfaces - must be meshed with special requirements concerning building technology.
pvp.40,60 €
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Some architects regard a visit to Chicago as equal in importance to a pilgrimage to Rome or Athens: The soaring American metropolis at the shores of Lake Michigan has amassed an unmatched collection of first-rate ...