A necessary evil or a fascinating design task?Designing circulation areas is about making building components and spaces accessible in the horizontal and vertical direction while taking into account a wide variety of requirements.
When architects make it into the pivotal element of their concepts, they often create compelling yet surprising room constellations: Spectacular lifts and escalators, unusual fl oor plan arrangements or stairway sculptures that defi ne the space provide staging for the required pathways. Circulation areas take on the characteristics of an amenity and become an exciting spatial experience as well as a crucial criterion of a successful design. The separation between circulation areas and space dissolves, because circulation areas become a space of
sojourn and communication.
Alongside extensive project documentations that provide a great deal of inspiration and stimulate new ideas, theoretical contributions of renowned specialist authors illuminate the topic in regard to planning basics,route guidance, steering of visitor fl ows, orientation in space, accessibility for the disabled and the important task of light planning.