The book is an anthology on architectural models. It is written by architects reflecting upon their work while presenting their practice through models executed by themselves or by students of architecture working under their supervision.
The architectural model is a fundamental tool for the architect in the development of a project. It is not just a way of evaluating or presenting a result but an integratedpartof the process. The book presents a collection of exploratory models exquisite in the mastering of the material practices employed in their making and always deeply concerned with the way the techniques are used to investigate a given problem.
However, the architectural model is not just an artefact. Architecture is world-making concerned with the arrangement of the habitats in which we live. Through the diversity of the essays, the book discusses the architectural model as a social construct alongside the experiments of the workshop. In the end, all experiments in architectural media have an ethical implication, as they partake in the shaping of the environment.
The book is an important contribution to the ongoing discussion of the architectural media in which the model is often relegated to a secondary position compared to the drawing. It offers a source for inspiration and reflection to all interested in the creative properties of the architectural model. English language edition.