Herman Hertzberger's newest building, 'Cultuur Onderdak' will be opened in Apeldoorn this spring. This ''cultural collection building'' arises in the city in which Herman Hertzberger's victory started in the seventies with the insurance building for Centraal Beheer, and was recently continued with the extension of Schouwburg Orfeus (a theatre). The municipality of Apeldoorn wanted to house a couple of cultural institutions which were formerly spread around the city: the Van Reekummuseum, with a collection of modern graphics, the Historic museum, the city archives and an extension of the adjacent city library. Furthermore, offices, course-spaces and a small auditory-area can be found in the building. As usual, Hertzberger did not make a seperate sculpture here, but focusses his attention on the urban context of the building. He creates a new space in which people come together to look at art, go to the theatre, engage in conversation or simply hang around by the railing. Just like he did for his extension of the Schouwburg, Hertzberger uses an austere box, made out of glass as a base. Despite of this new element in his oeuvre, it is a true Hertzberger in which you are able to let go of life and float away in new views, if only for a minute