Hargreaves Associates has been on the forefront of landscape
architectural practice since its founding in 1983, creating a narrative
approach to landscape architecture that layers history, ecology, and
environmental phenomena. The built work of Hargreaves Associates
privileges the cultural construction of meaning through dynamic,
interactive and exultant landscape. Whether reductive or rich,
highly programmed or passive, culturally interpretive or teeming
with the phenomena of nature's own systems, the built landscapes
of Hargreaves Associates seek the power of connection to our
day-to-day lives.
This volume will present projects from throughout the 25 year history
of the firm, showing the development of work from early days in
practice to its current direction creating new visions for public space.
The book will show Hargreaves Associates' role in advancing the reoccupation
of post-industrial sites, reclaiming waterfronts across the
US, with additional examples in Europe and Australia, as well as their
work developing the significance of cultural landscapes over time, their
contributions to urban parks, smaller plazas and gardens, and their
innovative entries to recent landscape architectural competitions.