The updated and enhanced third edition of A History of Latin America to 1825 presents a comprehensive narrative survey of Latin American history from the region's first human presence until the majority of Iberian colonies in America emerged as sovereign states c. 1825.
This edition features new content on the history of women, gender, Africans in the Iberian colonies, and pre-Columbian peoples
Includes more illustrations to aid learning: over 50 figures and photographs, several accompanied by short essays
Concentrates on the colonial period and earlier, expanding coverage of the period and incorporating more social and cultural history with the political narrative List of Illustrations.
List of Maps.
List of Photo Essays.
Series Editor's Preface.
Preface to the Third Edition.
Conventions Used in the Text.
Part I: Bases:
1. Lands and Climates.
2. American Peoples.
Ancient Peoples.
Formative Peoples.
Classic Peoples.
Aztecs and Incas.
Less Known Cultures.
3. Iberia and Africa.
Part II: Approaches:
4. Columbus and Others.
5. Experiment in the Caribbean.
6. Military Conquest.
Part III: Domination:
7. Administration: The Power of Paper.
8. Church: Friars, Bishops, and the State.
9. Society: Old Orders Changed.
10. Economy: Ships and Silver.
Photo Essay.
Part IV: Mature Colonies:
11. The Seventeenth Century: A Slacker Grip.
Challenges to Spain.
Production, Taxes, and Trade in America.
Indians in the Heartlands: Making their own Space.
Indians on the Peripheries.
Arts, Formal and Popular.
Varieties of Mestizaje.
12. Eighteenth-Century Spanish America: Reformed or Deformed?
People, Production, and Commerce.
Bourbon Revisions of Rules and Principles.
Society: Change, and Protest.
Creole Self-Awareness: Rejection and Reception of Europe.
The Eighteenth-Century Balance.
Part V Portugal in America.
13. Colonial Brazil: Slaves, Sugar, and Gold.
Explorers, Interlopers, and Settlers.
Indians and Jesuits.
People and Government.
Outsiders: The Dutch, and Others, in Brazil.
Movement Inland: Slavers, Prospectors, and Stockmen.
Seventeenth-Century Society.
The Indians and Father Vieira.
Government and Economy in the Seventeenth Century.
The Age of Gold.
Pombal and Reform.
Products of Mind and Sensibility.
Part VI: Independence and Beyond:
14 Independence.
15 Epilogue.