Mostrando libros encontrados. (5 páginas).
TAMESIS (2017)
pvp.117,00 €
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This book presents an original historiography on fifty years of Uruguayan cinema. It is the first English language academic book in which Uruguay becomes a case study to reflect upon broader interests of both Film ...
TAMESIS (2015)
pvp.123,00 €
Since Carajicomedia was published in 1519, it has been largely ignored by critics because of its strong sexual content. The author of Carajicomedia: Parody and Satire in Early Modern Spain believes that it is a ...
TAMESIS (2015)
pvp.108,84 €
Domus offers a novel analysis of literary representations of homes and urban dwellings in early modern Spain. The book investigates novels, theater and material culture in the Baroque period that prove key instruments in understanding ...
TAMESIS (2015)
pvp.91,35 €
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Este libro explora la representación de la mujer moderna en los ensayos y la ficción de Federica Montseny (1905-1994), líder anarquista española de gran prominencia en las décadas de 1920 y 1930. Se examinan en ...
TAMESIS (2015)
pvp.113,00 €
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This volume brings together twenty-six essays from the world's leading scholars and practitioners of Spanish Golden Age theatre. Examining the startlingly wide variety of ways that Spanish comedias have been adapted, re-envisioned, and reinvented, the ...
TAMESIS (2015)
pvp.117,00 €
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Este libro reúne un número significativo de artículos que suponen una aportación ciertamente notable a la bibliografía disponible hasta la fecha. Juan de Mena: de letrado a poeta recoge dieciséis trabajos en los que se ...
TAMESIS (2014)
pvp.114,25 €
Este libro constituye la primera monografía dedicada al papel del niño en el cine latinoamericano.
El análisis detallado de una decena de películas argentinas de la post-dictadura dirigidas entre 1983 y 2008, incluyendo tanto ...
TAMESIS (2014)
pvp.86,66 €
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Esta obra colectiva reúne las últimas investigaciones de los máximos especialistas en este importante autor del siglo XV castellano que cultivó todos los géneros literarios.
En este volumen monográfico Guido Cappelli escribe sobre Valera y ...
TAMESIS (2014)
pvp.103,27 €
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Los catorce ensayos de este volumen conectan de una manera perceptible con el tema del movimiento en la poesía española del siglo de oro, sin limitar la dialéctica de la estasis y movimiento a una ...
TAMESIS (2014)
pvp.94,00 €
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Arguing against historians of Spanish political thought that have neglected recent developments in our understanding of Machiavelli's contribution to the European tradition, the thesis of this book is that Machiavellian discourse had a profound impact ...
TAMESIS (2014)
pvp.112,66 €
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The rehearsal processes of theatre companies are an oft-neglected area of research in Drama and Performance Studies. This work on the Catalan devising collective Els Joglars and the Madrid producing venue Teatro de la Abadía ...
TAMESIS (2014)
pvp.122,00 €
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There has been a widely-held consensus among historians that the Moriscos of Spain made little or no attempt to assimilate to the majority Christian culture around them, and that this apparent obduracy made their expulsion ...
TAMESIS (2014)
pvp.88,52 €
El presente libro estudia el Teatro Pánico de Fernando Arrabal, un conjunto de textos concebidos durante los primeros años del autor en París, entre 1957 y 1966. Escritas en el momento de mayor auge de ...
TAMESIS (2014)
pvp.102,57 €
This companion to the work of Peruvian Nobel Laureate Mario Vargas Llosa traces his fictional and non-fictional writing throughout the different phases of a career spanning more than fifty years. His lifelong dedication to literature ...
TAMESIS (2014)
pvp.95,00 €
A unique and indeed indispensable addition to the critical literature on a writer of world importance Gerald Martin, author of Gabriel García Márquez: A Life. Far from being an occasional occupation, García Márquez's film work ...
TAMESIS (2014)
pvp.104,00 €
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"Popular culture" has always represented a fulcrum within social, cultural and anthropological discourses in Latin America. Often imagined as representing a challenge to the dominant cultural paradigms of the "lettered city", it has repeatedly been ...
TAMESIS (2013)
pvp.108,00 €
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This work engages with a broader evaluation of early modern poetics that foregrounds the processes rather than the products of thinking. The locus of the study is the Imperial 'home' space, where love poetry meets ...
TAMESIS (2013)
pvp.109,61 €
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This book analyzes women's narratives about the Mexican Revolution, particularly works by Nellie Campobello, Elena Garro, Laura Esquivel, and
Angeles Mastretta. It studies how they portray women's participation during the Mexican Revolution, recovering popular memory, ...
TAMESIS (2013)
pvp.96,24 €
Este libro propone una relectura crítica de la relación entre los conceptos de nacionalismo y exilio durante el período inmediatamente posterior a la dictadura argentina (1976-1983) conocido también como la posdictadura. A partir de un ...
TAMESIS (2013)
pvp.99,57 €
Disponible en 10 ó 15 días
Las mayores innovaciones poéticas del Siglo de Oro dependen en buena medida de la teorización en torno al concepto de los géneros literarios y de la experimentación y cambios a los que estos fueron sometidos. ...