Mostrando 20 libros encontrados. (1 páginas).
DETAIL (2024)
pvp.65,00 €
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Foster + Partners es una de las firmas de diseño más conocidas e influyentes del mundo. Fundada en Londres en 1967 por Norman Foster, la firma ha sido sinónimo de arquitectura de alta tecnología y ...
DETAIL (2024)
pvp.69,00 €
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La obra de OFIS arhitekti oscila entre la interacción de la identidad eslovena y europea, la construcción tradicional y el lenguaje de diseño moderno. Esta monografía refleja esta diversidad en 24 edificios seleccionados, que incluyen ...
DETAIL (2024)
pvp.36,00 €
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Architecture and construction are at a turning point. They account for more than 40% of global CO2 emissions. Rising temperatures can only be reduced if there is a radical change in the field of construction ...
DETAIL (2024)
pvp.81,00 €
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Der Einsatz von natürlichen Rohstoffen ist heute in der Architektur bedeutender denn je. Während der konstruktive Holzbau bereits fest in der Architektur verankert ist, rücken immer mehr alternative Baustoffe wie Lehm, Stroh, Kork oder Bambus ...
DETAIL (2023)
pvp.69,00 €
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Barcelona is a vibrant hotbed of forward-looking architecture and urban planning. The Catalan metropolis is home to more bold concepts for climate adaptation and urban coexistence than almost anywhere else in Europe. The book highlights ...
DETAIL (2022)
pvp.79,00 €
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The material timber has become particularly important for architecture in the light of the climate crisis and the search for environmentally friendly resources. This book describes the potentials of the building material timber in terms ...
DETAIL (2022)
pvp.61,00 €
BIG is an internationally operating creative group of architects, designers, urban and landscape planners, interior and product designers, researchers and inventors. The architecture of BIG is created on the basis of an observation of the ...
DETAIL (2021)
pvp.69,00 €
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Many people dream of having their own house with a garden. Although land consumption and resource consumption have been criticized, having one's own home in the country is a promise of free space and a ...
DETAIL (2021)
pvp.52,90 €
The internationally renowned architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron has experienced an unprecedented rise since it was founded in 1978. How do these architects manage to repeatedly break new ground and use supposedly classic materials ...
DETAIL (2020)
pvp.66,00 €
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The school is developing into a full-time model in many countries, with homework help, a cafeteria and recreational activities. Pioneering pedagogical methods of instruction and learning are bringing with them changing planning requirements. Just as ...
DETAIL (2020)
pvp.66,00 €
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Snøhetta - snow cap - is the name of the architecture firm founded in 1989 by architects of different nationalities to deal with architecture, landscapes and everything else related to these fields. The linking of ...
DETAIL (2019)
pvp.52,90 €
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OMA - Office for Metropolitan Architecture - is one of the world's most influential think tanks for architecture and urban planning. With his intellectual approach to architecture, Rem Koolhaas, founding father and Pritzker Award winner, ...
DETAIL (2019)
pvp.66,00 €
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The book presents current sports buildings, which stand out for the quality of their construction, their integration into the urban context, and their objectives. Sport today means lifestyle and fun and is associated with joining ...
DETAIL (2019)
pvp.56,00 €
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Sauerbruch Hutton is an award-winning, international agency for architecture, urbanism and design. Its architecture is always in the context of the city and combines functionality with an ecological performance that goes far beyond purely technical ...
DETAIL (2018)
pvp.33,00 €
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100 Architects on the 100th Anniversary of a Myth
2019 marks the centenary of a myth: the Bauhaus has shaped architectural history like no other modern institution. Even 100 years after its foundation in Weimar, ...
DETAIL (2018)
pvp.49,90 €
Affordable housing is currently in short supply in many European cities. Persuasive models and outlooks for the future are needed if demand is to be met. Yet how can costs be reduced without restricting the ...
DETAIL (2018)
pvp.55,28 €
Affordable housing is currently in short supply in many European cities. Persuasive models and outlooks for the future are needed if demand is to be met. Yet how can costs be reduced without restricting the ...
DETAIL (2018)
pvp.55,28 €
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Works by Renzo Piano are distinguished by a unique interplay of functional, technical and aesthetic aspects. An architect with no recognisable trademark style, Renzo Piano has nevertheless designed some of the most famous buildings in ...
DETAIL (2018)
pvp.54,00 €
David Chipperfield's architecture stands for clarity and minimalism, for a successful combination of proven ideas and innovation. He aims for architecturally, socially and intellectually sophisticated solutions. As customary, the monograph contains contributions published in the ...
DETAIL (2017)
pvp.44,00 €
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Many people long to live surrounded by nature. Correspondingly, designing for this goal demands utmost sensitivity. With meticulous concepts, architects must take account of energy and materials issues and react to the topography of the ...