Mostrando libros encontrados. (7 páginas).
PRESTEL (2004)
pvp.104,00 €
When today's leading architects - such as Frank O. Gehry, Helmut Jahn, and the THINK team - are looking for engineers to provide structural viability for their aesthetic visions, they often turn to Jörg Schlaich ...
ACTAR (2004)
pvp.36,00 €
Este libro se estructura como una reflexión sobre la obra que FOA ha producido durante sus primeros
10 años de vida. Como organización nacida principalmente en un ambiente académico y especulativo,
estos primeros diez años ...
pvp.20,30 €
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La labor del ingeniero estructural se podría definir haciendo un símil con las palabras de Miguel Angel en cuanto a la labor del escultor es 'liberar al David que está dentro del bloque de mármol', ...
pvp.100,00 €
Steelwork offers the opportunity for architectural expression, as well as being structurally versatile and adaptable material. Good detailing is vital because it affects structural performance, costs, buildability and, perhaps most importantly, appearance. Whilst the choice ...
pvp.27,14 €
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El objetivo de este libro es el de promover un verdadero progreso del proyecto sismorresistente orientado hacia el comportamiento estructural, lo que requiere un conocimiento profundo acerca de cómo se desarrolla la plastificación de la ...
pvp.28,00 €
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When it opened in 1889, just a few months before the Exposition Universelle for which it was commissioned, Parisians-from Dumas to de Maupassant-were appalled by the "useless and monstrous" tower Gustave Eiffel had planted in ...
pvp.30,00 €
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Since 1936, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill has set the standard for corporate design practice, producing some of the most iconic modern buildings of the century and shaping cities throughout the world. The SOM journal, a ...