Mostrando libros encontrados. (7 páginas).
pvp.167,00 €
The comprehensive reference on the basics of structural analysis and design, now updated with the latest considerations of building technology
Structural design is an essential element of the building process, yet one of ...
pvp.46,60 €
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Beginning with material, this book revolves around physical material making and design decisions that emerge from material interaction.
Combining essays from both practice and academia, this book presents some of the most ...
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pvp.62,14 €
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Today, with the advent of digital media technologies and the ability to conceptualize, express and produce complex forms using digital means, the question of the status of the architectural form is once again under consideration. ...
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pvp.39,40 €
La nueva instrucción de Hormigón Estructural EHE-08 ha introducido notables cambios para actualizarla conforme al estado del conocimiento sobre procedimientos de cálculo. Este libro ha sido redactado con la finalidad de servir de guía práctica ...
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AENOR (2011)
pvp.35,00 €
Un nuevo manual que recoge 12 normas UNE que proporcionan tanto los requisitos de producto, como los de evaluación de la conformidad y marcado CE según la Directiva 89/106/CEE Productos de construcción, así como los ...
pvp.58,39 €
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No building is properly conserved if it is not structurally sound. Consequently architects, engineers and conservation officers need an adequate grounding in the technology as well as in the materials and the historic origins of ...
pvp.48,00 €
La aparición del Código Técnico de la Edificación ha supuesto cambios importantes en el cálculo de estructuras. Este tratado recoge el cálculo actualizado de estructuras metálicas. Conjuga la aplicación informática con el análisis riguroso. Se ...
Riverside Architectural Press (2011)
pvp.67,64 €
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This book documents architectural installations developed by Beesley and collaborators from 1995 through 2007. The collection includes architectural sculptures located in natural sites and works integrating kinetic components and interactive systems. Projects in the past ...
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pvp.40,00 €
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This is a book about structures that shows students how to "see" structures as integral to architecture, and how knowledge of structures is the basis for understanding both the mechanical and conceptual aspects inherent to ...
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pvp.41,82 €
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Textile Tectonics reveals how natural, ornamental and folkloristic patterns - from the veins of leaves to Gothic rose windows, from foam formations to traditional styles of hair braiding and from Celtic knotwork to knitting patterns ...
MARCOMBO S.A. (2011)
pvp.32,00 €
Es una obra completa sobre los principios fundamentales del análisis estructural, cuyo objetivo es ayudar a los lectores a desarrollar un amplio conocimiento del comportamiento tanto de los sistemas estructurales bajo carga, como de las ...
pvp.18,00 €
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El gran desarrollo de los métodos de cálculo numérico producido por la aparición de los ordenadores, ha enmascarado los enormes progresos de la teoría de estructuras realizados durante el siglo XX. Los programas de ordenador ...
pvp.61,00 €
This book describes the complete panorama of supporting structures and their function by describing how loads are sustained and transmitted to the ground. With a minimum of mathematics, the reader is guided through the analysis ...
pvp.35,00 €
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Este libro, recoge de una parte, una exposición de teoría básica del comportamiento de elementos de arquitectura de fábrica (arcos y bóvedas) en lo que es la teoría consolidada de análisis límite de fábricas, unida ...
pvp.25,00 €
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De Spanjaard Santiago Calatrava is een van de grootste architecten van onze tijd. Zijn gebouwen, denk maar aan het HST-station in Lyon, het Milwaukee Art Museum in de VS of het Opera House in Valencia, ...
pvp.62,88 €
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This rich collection of writings and criticisms by structural engineer and Princeton University professor Guy Nordenson, brings together previously published essays on structural engineering, architecture, design, and seismic research from 1973 to 2008. Decade by ...
CRC PRESS (2010)
pvp.98,30 €
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Timber, steel, and reinforced concrete are common engineering materials used for designing and constructing structures. The choice of the material depends on the type of structure, availability of materials, and preferences of the designer and ...
pvp.73,00 €
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Shelters, kiosks, snack bars, market stalls, bus stops, telephone booths, toilets, advertising columns, ticket booths, mobile tents or housing units, emergency shelters, tourist information booths'this list of small, autonomously functioning buildings could be expanded almost ...
pvp.145,96 €
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Unified Theory of Concrete Structures develops an integrated theory that encompasses the various stress states experienced by both RC & PC structures under the various loading conditions of bending, axial load, shear and torsion. Upon ...
NORTON (2010)
pvp.41,48 €
For seven thousand years concrete has periodically shaped the path of human progress. Reese Palley's fascinating history of this ubiquitous and versatile material chronicles the repeated and often centuries-long losses of the technology and its ...