Mostrando libros encontrados. (14 páginas).
ACTAR (2015)
pvp.20,00 €
Prophetia és un projecte d'Imrna Prieto que consta d'una exposició i d'aquesta publicació. Totes dues es vertebren a partir de tres conceptes: rapte, correspondencia i responsabilitat. En paraules de la cornissária, "el projecte no parteix ...
ACTAR (2015)
pvp.20,00 €
Prophetia es un proyecto a cargo de Imma Prieto que consta de una exposición en la Fundació Joan Miró y de esta publicación. Ambos se vertebran a partir de tres conceptos: rapto, correspondencia y responsabilidad. ...
ACTAR (2015)
pvp.20,00 €
Prophctia, a project curared by Imma Prieto, includes an exhibition and this publication. They are borh structured around three concepts: rape, correspondence and responsibility. To quote the curator, 'The project does not stem so much ...
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ACTAR (2015)
pvp.30,00 €
UNCHARTED / New Landscapes of Tourism has a two-fold objective: to explore new avenues of thought in design teaching, and to do so through research that deals with new architectural landscapes that are linked to ...
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ACTAR (2015)
pvp.20,00 €
El libro se compone de tres partes principales: 1. Describe el marco teórico de las Trans-structures y también se acompaña de fotos y diagramas de las pruebas de laboratorio. 2. Trata de los proyectos y ...
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ACTAR (2015)
pvp.22,00 €
Disponible en 10 ó 15 días
This book collects the contributions to the Kent State Forum on the City: BERLIN. The forum, coordinated by Giovanni Damiani and Thilo Folkerts, considered different aspects of the urban, architectural and social development of Berlin.
ACTAR (2015)
pvp.35,00 €
This is a new and extended edition of Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas' work. The work of Massimiliano and Doriana Fuksas enjoys well-earned reputation for its artistic talent and its capacity to surprise with the most ...
ACTAR (2015)
pvp.45,00 €
101 Things that Open?and Close the City. 50 leading experts provide tools for analyzing how the Open City is made and unmade.
Urban History 101 teaches us that the built environment is not the ...
ACTAR (2015)
pvp.28,50 €
Monika Mitasova interviewed an influential group of current American theorists, historians and practitioners proposing critical and projective architecture, respectively, which forms the first book that brings those perspectives together to show the state of current ...
ACTAR (2015)
pvp.38,00 €
Osvaldo Lamborghini (Buenos Aires, 1940 - Barcelona, 1985) es uno de los escritores más particulares y fascinantes de la literatura argentina contemporánea. Con tan solo tres libros publicados en vida -El fiord (1969), Sebregondi retrocede ...
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ACTAR (2015)
pvp.18,03 €
Has culture gone beyond the social dimension? Has ir moved out of its own orbir and given way to a media-dominared consumer culture which is a slave to rhe proliferarion of commercial signs and images? ...
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ACTAR (2015)
pvp.45,00 €
Escritura material surge como una estación más en el estudio de la obra de Tàpies, pero sobre todo, como continuación lógica de la exposición El tatuatge i el cos, porque en manos del artista, tanto ...
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ACTAR (2015)
pvp.38,00 €
Aquesta publicació té com a objectiu no només donar visibilitat al treball de Carol Rama, sinó també qüestionar els relats dominants de la historiografia de l art amb un treball que obliga a desfer narratives ...
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ACTAR (2015)
pvp.25,00 €
La crítica ha tenido un lugar incierto en la configuración del sistema del arte contemporáneo en el Estado español. La demanda de una "verdadera crítica" ha sido constante a la hora de dotar de consistencia ...
ACTAR (2015)
pvp.39,00 €
Disponible en 10 ó 15 días
During the 19th and most of the 20th century, discussions of style revolved around pure formalism or pure functionalism. Style, as the way of assembling forms, was trapped in producing consistency and sameness across architectural ...
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ACTAR (2015)
pvp.12,00 €
Cities Connection Project was born with the aim to establish a network 01cultural connections between Barcelona and other European cities with an important architectural tradition. A series 01architecture exhibitions are the locus 01this project that ...
ACTAR (2014)
pvp.30,00 €
The Harvard Graduate School of Design prides itself on the wide scope of its global
aspirations, collaborations, and projects. As a School, we are deeply interested in the conditions giving rise to new topics that ...
ACTAR (2014)
pvp.30,00 €
Cada any, milions de persones passen sota les voltes de maó de pla de Guastavino en espais històrics de tots els Estats Units, des de la Sala de Registre d'Ellis Island (1917) fins al Biltmore ...
ACTAR (2014)
pvp.35,00 €
After a period of extraordinary economic growth at the turn of the twenty-first century, the economy of Iceland collapsed into the deepest and most rapid peacetime fiscal crisis ever recorded. Seeing the development of the ...
ACTAR (2014)
pvp.33,00 €
Whereas in our recent past the paradigm by which architecture was measured was the city, now, the collective reference surrounding our design activity is the relation with nature.
Sustainability as an economic but also ...